The Boutique

Our boutique has unique artisan quality hand knitted handbags. All our handbags are hand crafted and made in New Jersey. The handbags are all unique designs and not mass produced, but knitted by Lisa, so her boutique is the only place you can find them on the internet. Custom orders welcomed!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I was featured on the Ahauldri Show!

My first debut! Gosh I was so nervous! Thanks again to "Ace"!

How I got on Ace's Show. I met Anastacia “Ace” Hauldridge on Facebook and she had been following me for some time. She became interested in my work and one day she asked me to appear on her show. I was really honored to be on her show. Many thanks to Ace and her hard work and tireless promotion of business owners.
Her website is  You can check out her other videos and her services that she provides.
Her Facebook page
Her Twitter page

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