The Boutique

Our boutique has unique artisan quality hand knitted handbags. All our handbags are hand crafted and made in New Jersey. The handbags are all unique designs and not mass produced, but knitted by Lisa, so her boutique is the only place you can find them on the internet. Custom orders welcomed!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Products!

Mauve Purse
I been very busy knitting some new items for the store! Our newest items are a sweet little mauve purse, a blue and purple scarf and wallets.
Our mauve purse is knitted in a thin chenille yarn in a seed stitch pattern. A seed stitch is a combination of alternating knit and purl stitches. The stitch creates a bumpy appearance.
The chenille gives the purse a look of suede. The purse is also fully lined in a silvery brocade fabric and has a magnetic snap.

Our next little purse is the Floral Boho purse. This little cutie does the job when you do not want to carry a large handbag. This bag is crocheted in a tube like form with heavy nylon cord. Crochet flowers of pinks and dark magenta adorn the purse. They are accented with glass beads of matching color. The handle is made from braided rope secured with wooden rings.
The lining is a dark brown brocade with golden dragon designs and secured with a magnetic snap.

Our next item is a Blue & purple lace scarf. Stunning!  Hand knitted in a lace stitch pattern. The stitch pattern resembles two leaves side by side.  The yarn is 100% cotton and in colors of blue and purple. 

I also have some Christmas gifts for that knitter or crocheter, or anyone else on your list, at my Zazzel store.


  1. Hi,

    How cute and clever! I love that idea! I may use some of them for making gift bags for gifts to family members.

  2. Very cute! Every scroll I was saying, cute, and then cute, and ooohhhh! lol. The ornaments are fab!
    Visiting from WSNBA Holiday Shop & Blitz Blog Hop!

    Adventure Of Super Spice

  3. wonderful blog and I love your handbags
    I am visiting from WSNBA blog hop

  4. Chick who knits! I love it! You're a very talented lady. I wish I could do things like this.

  5. I love all the wonderful items that you make and the purse holders are a neat twist, I have never seen those, great gift.


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