The Boutique

Our boutique has unique artisan quality hand knitted handbags. All our handbags are hand crafted and made in New Jersey. The handbags are all unique designs and not mass produced, but knitted by Lisa, so her boutique is the only place you can find them on the internet. Custom orders welcomed!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What to do with all that yarn?

I often have conversations with other knitters & crocheters about yarn. We are stash-a-holics by nature. So here are some ideas how to reduce that stash.

1. If you have knitter friends have a yarn swap. You all agree to meet with each other and bring yarns that you want to get rid of. My favorite thing to do is meet for lunch and dump all the yarn in the middle of the table. Then everyone takes home the yarns that they are interested in. Maybe you have a bit of luxury yarn that someone always wanted to try but they didn't want to spend the money on. That way they can try it to see if they like it or not, that way no money is wasted.

2. Give a yarn donation to your local school. Teachers always need supplies and new ideas for the children. Or give it to your local charity store or church. Someone is always on the look for yarn to make church bazaar items.

3. If you or someone you know is having a yard sale. Donate a box of yarn. Believe me someone will always buy it.

4. Take all those swatches you've made from projects past and make a crazy afghan, sweater, rug, or use them as shabby decor coasters.

5. If you know someone who is into scrap booking. Give some to them and they can use it in their projects.

6. Use left over yarn for decorating gifts. Instead of a bow purchase use coordinating yarn to decorate the gift.

7. My most favorite idea. Take a bunch of yarn of colors that look good together. Wind them up into a skein or ball and make your own yarn blends. Who knows what great combinations you'll come up with?

Now you'll have enough room to buy new yarn! Happy Knitting!

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